Helping People

So I want to keep this brief so I donʼt put you all to sleep! In time I will tell you a little bit more about myself and how my life has unfolded-but for now heres a quick snap shot of my life and why I have decided to start helping people.

I grew up in a pretty average family, we werenʼt “rich” and we werenʼt “poor” At age 9 my parents called it quits and I remember all the terrible moments that situation created very well.

Going through high school being raised by my Mum, I was faced with all the “peer group pressure” scenarios that teenagers are undoubtedly faced with today-should I have alcohol, should I have drugs, who should I be friends with, does that girl like me, why havenʼt I got many friends etc etc Another big thing for me as

I look back is I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life- and because of this I was often getting report cards from teachers saying things like “Jim needs to pay more attention” or “Jim is constantly looking to push the boundaries”. What can I say -I wasnʼt the perfect student! But as I have discovered-if we donʼt know what we want in life how can we make a plan to get there? Think about that for a moment. But more on that later!

As a young adult my best friend committed suicide-no one saw this coming – he was popular , well off financially and had everything going for him.
Like my parents divorce-I asked myself-am I partly responsible for this? This is a common emotion anyone faces and having gone through this I appreciate how unfair it is to myself-to think these things.

Fast forward 25 years and I have been running a Hospitality Staffing Agency on the Sunshine Coast for 10 years now. I am now in a position to have someone run that for me and concentrate on helping people-improve their lives-in whatever areas they want help with!  I am in the middle of an intensive 2 year Life Coaching qualification to further my knowledge , and as those of you that meet me will find out-personal success – happiness- fulfilment has been my obsession for 25 years now ! I have spent over 10,000 hours reading about this subject- those that get a chance to meet with me will see my book collection and fully appreciate that this isnʼt a “recent hobby” of mine

mentor sunshine coast
I look forward to meeting with you , sharing my story in more detail and most importantly helping you get more out of your life. Even though my life is amazing now- I have everything I need-including an amazing wife- and I am starting this new venture because I want to not because I need to. I sincerely believe that we can all have-and should have a better life than we have now. I want my life next year to be better than it is this year-and that’s how I feel every year-no matter how good the last year was!

And in a nutshell I want each year for you-to be better than the last one.