Coaching Options

Single Session

During a one off teen coaching session, we will basically split it up into three parts.

What your situation is. As in why you have come to see me. The more I can discover the better equipped we will be.

Then we discuss what you want it to be like. What your ideal scenario would be on this topic or the ideal outcome from a situation.

The final part of the session is how we can go about achieving this. What changes need to take place? What options are available and what is the best way forward for you?

In a single teen life coaching session, you will be encouraged to open up as much as you can about the situation or challenge you are facing. I will ask questions to encourage deeper thought on your behalf.

12 Week Refresh & Accelerate Program

For this program we offer & free no obligation 20 minute (its normally 30-40 minutes!)  phone call/zoom – before you sign up-where we briefly discuss why you may want to do in this program and also what you can expect from the program. 

If you feel like you want to see whats possible for you and do the program, we would then meet(online/in person-you choose) once a fortnight (ideally every 14 days exactly) for 12 weeks- and during this time we would work on up to two main things you want to focus on. This can be anything from things you would like to accomplish, friendships, relationships, building self esteem, enjoying your life more-anything!

If you are serious and committed to improving your situation then the R & A Program is the one for you – by creating regular meetings and putting a strategy in place for you and having someone to be accountable to-the potential for success is greatly improved.